I painted "The Old Woman in the Shoe vs. The Giant" for an online art sale fundraiser for Fairytale Town. It's only the second time I've painted using acrylics. I us
ually work in pastels and watercolors. But, I think I've fallen in love with acrylics. I love the texture that can be built with them. I also like not having to frame my art behind glass.
I painted this over three days, start to finish. It was fun thinking of the composition and which stories I wanted to integrate. The painting is inspired by the two different attractions at Fairytale Town. What would happen if the Old Woman in the Shoe took on the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk? And, what would her shoe look like before the adventure? The work is acrylic paint on a cradled gesso board and measures 12" x 9" and 3/4" deep.
I loved Fairytale Town as a child. I love it even more as an adult because my niece has spent several summers enjoying camp at the park. I love the educational and social opportunities Fairytale Town offers children and their families. Plus, I love magic, fairytales, and storytelling.